Monday, April 13, 2009


For marriage to be the joyous relationship that God intended, the husband and wife must never take one another for granted. We must allow the light of love to endure within hearts that are open to a loving Father and His Son. Thoughtfulness, gratitude, and concern for one another must be ever present in a marriage. Perhaps the following practical rules for a happy married life will make marriage the life long union that God intended it to be (Eph. 5:22-33; 1 Peter 3:1-7).~ Never both be angry at once.~ Never talk at one another.~ Never yell at one another, unless the house is on fire.~ Let each one strive to yield more often to do the wishes of the other.~ Let self-denial be the daily aim and practice of each.~ Never taunt with a past mistake.~ Neglect the whole world rather than one another.~ Never make a remark at the expense of one another.~ Never part for a day without kind words to think of during absence.~ Never meet without a loving welcome.~ Never let the sun go down on your wrath.~ Never forget that marriage is ordained of God, and that His blessings alone can make it what it ought to be.

I begun with the first part, which is not my own words but from a site in which I came across. Currently, I have been conflicted in my decision making regarding relationships. And in the coming days as to what I am to do regarding a past relationship. The relationship had its ups and downs. Some regrets, and some beautiful experiences. But now, I am forced with the decision on whether to embark on the journey again or give something else a try.

I truly do not know...
I will have to pray about it. Because either I enter into a relationship head on knowing that the expectation is to be married within a year or start a new in which marriage would be years down the line. I do not know. I'll have to pray about it.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Happy Resurrection Sunday!!! Jesus Truly is the reason for the season.

I just wanted to write a simple entry today. To express how thankful I am. Thankful to God for His mercy. It is by His grace that I am able to carry out my day. Today's message at church was awesome. God is truly in the blessing business. Pastor Caples was on point. The anointing and the spirit of the Lord was in the sanctuary.

If anyone is every on the Waukegan area, I extend a warm invitation to Jesus Name Apostolic Church. Where Family truly does come first.

Being able to grow within Christ enables me to understand that the road will not be easy, but the reward is one that is beyond measure. This month during Monday night prayer we are focusing on peace. I always tell myself, that I just want peace. Peace in my mind, body and soul.

To have peace for me, means I can endure all things. Knowing where my source of inspiration comes from is remarkable. On today, I just give thanks. Praise and Honor to God. I know He is not finish with me yet, and I look forward to what I am to become as I continue my journey.

Once again, Happy Resurrection Sunday!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Love & Happiness

"Love is patient and kind; Love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things" [New Testament, I Corinthians 13:4-7].

I began this blog with one of my favorite scriptures in the Bible, because it lays the foundation for the way I feel at this moment and what I am going to convey in today's entry.

Yesterday, was GOOD FRIDAY!!! Praise God. And for me, it truly was that. Work was mellow. Customer's were not complaining. The office environment was just right. Had some laughs with co-workers. Went to Target and Walmart and was able to make it from lunch all within an hour. Yesterday, truly was a good day. I love passover, and the Easter season. Or what I and other Christian's know it as, Resurrection Sunday.

I believe that service will be awesome, and awe inspiring. I truly love my church and my church family. Of course, there is good, bad and indifferent. But the Holy Spirit truly does work and spread throughout the building. We have members who truly love the Lord and you see it manifest in the natural. I am a growing in my Christian walk everyday. God knows when to truly pull the reigns in on me. I thank Him for His favor.

Not everyone may know but, I did not have to go to church growing up. I went with different family members. Knew of God. But didn't have that I was raised in the church since birth experience. So today, when I attend church. I know it is only because of the Grace of God. Because I could have been bond and caught up in the generational curses that plague my family. But yet, God saw fit to not allow me to go through certain things. I thank God for letting me learn through others experiences. And that the experiences I do go through are for the greater God.

God saved my life on more than one occasion. As a pre-teen, I was very high strung. Mouthy, and really didn't care to much about not getting my point across. I have always had a respect for my elders. And I think is was that fear of what would happen if I went to far with the words in which I spoke. Now as I grow older, I know that I do not have to say everything that comes across my mind. That I can sit in silence. Silence is sometimes more deadly than words.

My facial expressions are what I need to work on now. Because sometimes they are mis-interpreted for more than what they are. Sometimes, I just do not have anything to say, or just simply do not want to be bothered. Its a emotional thing. I wear my emotions on my sleeves.

Friends and family know that about me. People who are trying to figure me out do not quite understand and that's ok. I mean truly, I know the purpose in which I was placed on this earth. God knew what He was doing when He allowed my mother and father to come together and create me. I use to think my birth was a mistake, or that I was assigned to the wrong family. But as I grow and learn, and love who I am. I know all of which is not true. I truly can say that I love my family and that I am happy that I was born into the family that I was. Crazy how certain circumstances make you appreciate what and who you are.

So as Resurrection Sunday is drawing near, I thought of God's love to the church. And how He spoke to the Corinthians. And how God wants us to love one another. One thing I love to say is, love should not hurt. I can like a lot things and people. But the one's I love. I hold near and true.

I have been hurt before. Actually, two times. Once when I was 17 and the other when I was 24. Something about that seven year gap huh. But in that hurt, I ask myself, what did God keep me from. And what He kept me from is that pain that comes with loving someone who does not understand what it truly means to love. And trust me, in both situations, I thought and believed that I was in love. But then when I looked back, I realized, if I believed what I said about love not hurting than all I can do is Praise God for His LOVE. Because He understood me, and He heard my cries. And He did not want me to allow myself to go so far in which I became bitter about love. Because I love, love. Love is unconditional, and it does not fade away. In loving love, I have learned to forgive. So for the two people whom I felt hurt me, I let go, and I thank God for the experiences. Because it made me understand who I was as a person. It taught me to not give my heart away to anyone. It taught me that foundations have to be set, and rooted in something greater than myself. And so I have made up in my mind, heart and spirit, that the next person I love. Will be worth it. That I will not give of myself so much that I loose the source in which love abides, which is God. Because in all my hurt, I lost time.

I just went on a tangent. I wasn't even suppose to go down that path, but the spirit lead you where you ought to go. I conclude by saying, I am a work in progress. I will come full circle. And I know that when my task on earth is done, God will welcome me in and say, well done.


P.S. Do not forget to pray, and to love yourself enough to love someone else.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Relationships and Requirements

I pray to God that I gain wisdom each and every day and able to discern when things are not according to His will.

I like to send daily inspirational messages to my friends via text messages, but figure this maybe a better avenue. I was encouraged by one of my best friends "Queshia" to begin writing. I was encouraged without her even knowing. Funny how that is huh.

In any event, some people have had the opportunity to "know" me and others the opportunity to "know about" me. I find myself at a point where I am 25 embarking on a new journey of understanding and enlightenment. I am growing in my relationship with Christ. And learning what it means to be a Christian. Not just in word or in title but in action. Knowing what it means to be held accountable.

Recently, I have come full circle on what it means to forgive. Forgiveness is not for the other person but for you whom felt hurt, betrayed or whatever. I have forgive and sought forgiveness in my heart and spirit and found that it is so relieving to let go and let God. For vengeance is the Lord's.

Onto the subject matter of my blog:
Relationships and Requirements....
Everyone always says Celeste do not put your views and expectations on others because you will be the only one whom is disappointed. I pondered that for a moment. Then of course, I rejected that notion. The people whom I love, respect, admire, and care for all know that I have a set of standards for lack of a better word, in which I live by. So to me, its not me that is disappointed when things do not go accordingly, but instead it is them. Because I will not lower my standards to accommodate someones lack of.

Case in point- please do not take it personal, but I do not like nor appreciate people calling me a pruned because I have not had "relations". I mean give a sister a break. Based on life experiences and witnessing how emotional and damaged one can become after participating in such action, I have chosen to refrain. Plus, how does it go, "once you know better you must do better", well I know better.

Next, everyone cannot take my personality. And I respect them for it. Its not easy dealing with a Williams woman. LOL. But seriously, that comes with understanding what kind of relationship you are seeking to have with me. My true friends love me to death, why because they accept me for who I am. They know that I am not putting on eras to be their friend. I state on the side of right. And if I believe in my heart with supported facts that I am right, then I will not change my view. Now a sister can admit, I have been wrong in holding onto my right. And in those cases I can go back an apologize. Its all about growth and development.

Furthermore, I have come to accept who I am for what I am. The changes that I go through are strictly for the betterment of who I desire to be in Christ. Because when I am done with my task on earth. I want God to say, well done my good and faithful servant.

So while I may not know all and I may not get everything right. One thing I do know is that in all relationships there needs to be some requirements. Its about establishing a foundation. Do not allow yourself to loose yourself trying to fulfill someone elses desires as to who you are to be. But know that when you enter into any relationship guidelines and boundaries need to be set.

Be blessed, Celeste


God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.' Father, God, bless all my friends in whatever it is that you know they may need this day! And may their lives be full of your peace, prosperity and power as they seek to have a closer relationship with you.
Amen. Make it a wonderful day!!!